In this lecture, you'll find a complete guide on how to attract customers through social media. Book a 1-1 consultation with me or my YouTube team: My Companies & Products: In this video: 00:00 - Ultimate beginners guide to social media 01:45 - Starting a YouTube channel: PROS 03:17 - Starting a YouTube channel: CONS 04:06 - Blogging on Instagram: PROS 05:00 - Blogging on Instagram: CONS 05:29 - Why TikTok doesn't work for me 07:09 - How to start on YouTube in 2024 10:30 - How to find a good video and choose a format for your video 16:13 - Long-term content plan 18:14 - Don't overcomplicate it. Just start filming 19:42 - Best apps for creating videos 21:19 - Best tip for naming your channel 22:31 - Think about your next step 23:46 - Short vs. Long videos 24:59 - Views don't equal money 27:21 - How to attract customers through Instagram 29:04 - How to sell products on social media Top credit cards for free flights, hotels, and cash-back - 💰 INVESTMENT APPS & BOOKS: - Webull - - Robinhood - - Interactive Brokers - ⭐ Download my English language workbook - I use affiliate links whenever possible (if you purchase items listed above using my affiliate links, I will get a bonus) #marinamogilko #siliconvalleygirl #youtube